When Am I Most Likely to Get Pregnant?

An average menstrual cycle lasts between 26 and 32 days. Of course, some women have irregular cycles that can be longer or shorter. The time of ovulation is when you are most likely to get pregnant each month. Generally, ovulation happens around day 14 before your next period starts, but this time can be challenging

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How to Tell Your Boyfriend You Are Pregnant

Some conversations are trickier than others. Depending on your relationship and the circumstances of your pregnancy, telling your boyfriend you are pregnant can either make or break your relationship. Here are a few tips for making the announcement. First, Have You Confirmed Your Pregnancy? A late period and a positive pregnancy test may not be

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How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy?

There are times in life when we’re not sure how to support those who are closest to us. When a friend experiences an unexpected pregnancy, we want to encourage them, but how? Here are a few tips to help you support them. Listen Without Judgment When hearing about a friend’s struggle, it can be difficult

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7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

Is your period late, and have you been feeling a little sick lately? If you’ve recently had sex, you may be worried you’re pregnant. There are several early pregnancy symptoms. However, a late period or being overly tired could come from something else. Your next step is to take a pregnancy test. HopePlace offers free

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How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

There are several difficult conversations we hope we never have to have with our parents. Telling them you are pregnant is one of them. Don’t worry. We’ve got some tips that hopefully help the discussion go a little more smoothly. You might even be surprised at their reaction. Have You Confirmed Your Pregnancy? A late

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3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion

Abortion is a serious medical decision with physical and mental health risks. At HopePlace, our trained client advocates recommend a pre-abortion consultation. Get all the information you need about your pregnancy, abortion procedures, and potential risks beforehand. Did you know there’s a chance you are no longer pregnant? Find out about early miscarriages and more.

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What Is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

When you’re pregnant, certain health conditions may warrant immediate treatment. Being proactive and learning about your pregnancy can help avoid complications. An ectopic pregnancy is one such condition; it is diagnosed with an ultrasound and is a medical emergency. Continue reading to learn more about this condition and when to seek help. Are There Any

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How Does an Ultrasound Work?

An ultrasound is a key diagnostic tool used to view the body’s internal structures and diagnose certain conditions. You might wonder what to expect if you’re pregnant and have never had an ultrasound before. Getting the facts about any medical procedure is crucial. Staying informed helps you make intelligent decisions about your health. We’re here

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Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

You stare at the pregnancy test result in unbelief and wonder if the test is accurate. You just can’t be pregnant. There is no way you can raise a child right now. What are your options? Only you can decide if an abortion or making an adoption plan is right. But we’ll give you the

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

Having an abortion is a difficult decision to make. You must learn about various abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks. You also need to know what to expect afterward  because an incomplete abortion can lead to severe bleeding and infection.  Women risk incomplete abortions after a medically or surgically induced abortion. Get reliable information

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